FreightPOP Marketplace: The best freight carrier rates for every shipment, every time

Save with your freight carriers or find great carrier rates on the marketplace

Carrier Rate Shopping

Multi-carrier freight rate shopping for all modes

Book shipments in under a minute and save up to 30% in shipping costs on average.

Shipping rates are too volatile to rely on one carrier or broker, but shopping carriers one by one on their website or phone is too time consuming. Now you can get LTL and truckload freight rates from 1500+ carriers in one convenient location.

FreightPOP’s rate shopping dashboard pulls your negotiated rates, our negotiated rates, and marketplace rates into a single view. Simply fill in the shipment information or automatically pull it from your ERP or CRM using our robust integrations. 

  • Compare rates for an unlimited amount of shipments
  • Email quoted rates to your team directly from the app
  • Save a quote and come back later to process the shipment



Freight RateHACKER

Mix-and-match legs to save thousands

Just like the airlines, some carriers have better prices for certain legs of a trip than others.

By combining carriers, adding or switching legs or service levels, you can save time shopping, and thousands of dollars!

FreightPOP’s Freight RateHACKER algorithm acts like a matchmaker, pulling all possible
combinations from all your available carriers to find the best combination for you to get your
shipment from Point A to Point B, even if it means adding Point C in between!



Save on Spot Quotes

Grab great deals while they last

Spot quotes are usually a one-time offer with an expiration date. Spot quotes can change quickly, day by day, and even hour by hour. 

Streamline the process to get timely spot quotes and secure them quickly.

Negotiate spot quotes better by:

  • Cross compare spot quotes rates against negotiated rates and carriers
  • Integrate carrier websites and emails into one platform 
  • Contact multiple carriers in a single action
  • Bring all carrier responses and bids into one platform, with side-by-side comparisons for your review
  • Enable real-time acceptance and response to carriers





More accurate quotes

Rate quotes for real-life shipping

Accessorial charges and other fees can hike up rate quotes you were promised. With FreightPOP, all associated fees and charges are included, so you know what you’ll pay. You can optimize the quote based on the order's dimensions, weight, or special considerations like hazardous contents. Have confidence knowing you’re getting the best deal for every shipment.


Preferred Partner Rates

Save even more with our negotiated carrier rates

FreightPOP has entered into relationships with some of the world’s largest shippers to offer negotiated rates to our customers. You could be saving up 30% on shipping spend! These rates can be seen side-by-side with your own rates, so you can choose the best rates and delivery dates available for your needs.


See how it works

Carrier Rate Shopping is easier than ever with FreightPOP.



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