Freight Invoice Auditing

Save up to 15% by  identifying and correcting costly carrier invoice errors

Many Freight Invoice Exceptions, one solution

Carrier money-back guarantees are only good if you get your money back!

From the largest freight carriers to the smallest, invoice exceptions happen. Shipments are late, items are lost, the wrong rate gets charged. And carriers don’t make it easy for you to compare your quote to your shipment. But, you can skip the expensive auditor or dedicated freight invoice auditing software with FreightPOP.

FreightPOP’s integrated audit capabilities allow you to:

  • See your quote and your invoice in one place, automatically
  • Set your own limits for discrepancies
  • Match your POs and Invoices
  • Double-check discounts and contracted rates 
  • Identify duplicate charges
  • Check tax rates
  • Highlight rate errors and accessorial fees
  • And more!





Freight Auditing Features

  • Electronic Data Interface (EDI) invoicing – Automate the process of pulling in all of your carrier invoices in one place. With FreightPOP's EDI interface, it's easy to consolidate your invoices for visibility and auditing.
  • GL Coding / Accounting – Automatically apply the appropriate GL / accounting codes required by your finance team directly into your accounting system. Save money and time, and reduce the potential for double data-entry errors!


Audit More Than Invoices 

Shipping Reports keep an eye on the bottom line

Ensure your company’s policies are being met by using your shipping audits to track that your team is consistently using the lowest available rates and meeting your company’s shipment processing goals and objectives.

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Let's check your invoices!

Let us review up to 10 invoices for free and see how much you can save